My personal development seminars provide content-rich material and interactive processes that promote learning.
My “inner” active personal development seminars are based on The Roadmap Home: Your GPS to Inner Peace®. They combine practical psychology with heart-opening spirituality to help you balance your body, harmonize your emotions, heal your mind, open your heart, find your voice, and clarify your vision.
Join Rick Broniec and me on our FREE Power Tools Webinars. We cover the classic model of masculinity: Connection, Love, Authenticity, Spirituality, Sexuality, Community, and Sovereignty.
My writing seminars help you find your voice and get your words out into the world. “Write Your Book and Get it Published” focuses on the step-by-step process of turning your ideas into a completed manuscript. “Writing Naked: Write with Heart & Soul” provides a creative atmosphere to remove judgment and criticism and create heartfelt stories.