Power Tools for Men

Join me and Rick Broniec on our FREE Power Tools Webinars:

Design Your Life: The Hero’s Quest

Learn how to embrace the Hero’s Quest and consciously design your life. You will learn about the 4 C’s: Answer the CALL, CLIMB your personal mountain, handle the CRASHES, and reach the CREST.

Build Connections: Access Emotional Intelligence

Learn how to become emotionally intelligent. You will learn how to manage your emotions effectively, connect with others in powerful ways, resolve conflict, and increase intimacy in your relationships.

Build a Life of Love

Learn how to build a life of love. You will learn how to identify the blocks to love and open your heart to more intimacy in relationships. You will also develop the practice of loving others and self.

Build an Authentic Life

Learn how to peel off your armor and access your true, authentic self.  You will learn the transformative process of mining your shadows to fully claim authentic power.

Build a Spiritual Life

Learn how to build a spiritual life. You will discover how to access a connection to your sacred self and come back Home to love and inner peace. As well, you will learn simple daily spiritual practices that help you become spirit-driven in the world. 

Build a Healthy, Sexual Life

Learn how to build a healthy, sexual life. You will learn 8 sexual rights that are essential for men. As well you will develop the ability to ask for consent and get a full agreement as an adult to get to your “Hell Yes!” 

Build a Life of Intention with a Mission

Learn how to build your Mission and activate it in your life. In the process, you will discover how to eliminate blocks that prevent you from living your purpose and learn how to use your Mission to make good decisions. 

Build a Life with Community

Learn how to build a life with community. You will discover five simple steps to connect with men and build fulfilling friendships. You will also develop Power Tools to establish trust and safety with others.

Live Like a Sovereign-King

Learn how to Live like a Sovereign-King. Access the 4 key archetypes—King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. Connect to others, love with an open heart, authentically relate to others, spiritually engage the sacred self, embrace healthy sexuality, live with intention and Mission, & become part of a vibrant community. 

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Power tools book cover.

Amazon Bestseller

Power Tools for Men

Amazon Bestseller

The Roadmap Home: Your GPS to Inner Peace

Fighting for Love: Turn Conflict into Intimacy

Newly Published!

Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol

Award Winning Bestseller

Bob Cratchit’s Christmas Carol

Award Winning Bestseller

Tiny Tim’s

Christmas Carol


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