When I access the GPS in my car, I know that the Global Positioning System is connected to a worldwide navigational system. As it determines my position, processes my destination, and charts a course, I cruise comfortably without worry. And if I happen to not pay attention and miss an exit, the GPS merely tells me without judgment, “Recalculating.”
To access our spiritual nature and connection to a Higher Consciousness, we need a navigational system. Fortunately, we all have an inner GPS, one that is intricately linked to a Higher Power. When we feel such a connection to the Divine, we become Spirit-driven in our actions and interactions. We enter a state of flow where inner guidance and synchronicity miraculously appear. From that spiritual center, we become a beacon of light to others as we radiate love and inner peace.
How do we increase our receptivity and strengthen our connection to the Divine?
The journey calls you to heal wounds that create separation and break free from your “False” self. Healing raises your consciousness on the hero’s journey, knowing that you are a spiritual being on a human excursion.
We may be at different phases of our spiritual development, each following a unique path with individualized lessons, but we are all, nonetheless, journeying toward Home, the place where we feel part of something far greater than our ego. As we break free from destructive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that prevent us from embracing a Spirit-driven life, we welcome curiosity, love, and acceptance.
Developing a spiritual practice is the fulcrum for inner work. Such a practice grounds us, centers us, and humbles us by reminding us that we are part of something far greater than ourselves. It plugs us into an endless source of wisdom, gratitude, connection, forgiveness, and acceptance. There is nothing soft about our spirituality. It is hard won and emanates from within.
Choose a practice that aligns with who you are and that you can use daily. Meditation and prayer are common in most traditions, and they come in many different flavors. Other practices include journaling, time in nature, transformational trainings, twelve-step work, contemplation, breath work, and gratitude.
Holding an attitude of gratitude reminds us to recognize each day those incidents, be they big or small, that bring us joy.
1. Notice where you are blessed and the gifts that have been bestowed on you for no other reason than you exist.
2. Notice how you are supported in mysterious ways.
3. Notice where you have abundance.
4. Notice the sacred and beautiful relations with family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers.
Embracing our spiritual journey, we can find the joy, gratitude, and gravitas that help us become potent souls. From that place, we will feel deep in our bones that we are spiritual beings and can let our light radiate freely with open hearts.