Sailing the High Seas with Captain Bill

island of peace

Every New Year’s Eve I review my adventures from the previous year. As I reflected on the 2010 highlights, I immediately flashed to my sailing expedition on the high seas with Captain Bill.

This past August I was aboard a 40-foot sailboat on a 3-day trip around Catalina Island, a picturesque place off the coast of Southern California. My friends, Captain Bill and his first mate, Bev, had invited me for a voyage on a boat called, Knot Home.

The vessel’s name did not generate confidence as I much prefer being “at home” wherever I go. I believe home and inner peace is anywhere and everywhere, however, camping on a sailboat offered a rollicking challenge.

When we first set sail at midnight, Captain Bill programmed a Global Positioning System (GPS) to navigate the course. Finding an island in the dark is difficult but with the help of a GPS and my friend’s 15 years of sailing experience, we glided effortlessly out of the harbor into the vast ocean.

The voyage provided some harrowing moments especially when I staggered like a drunken sailor on a deck that rocked and rolled against high swells. “Shiver me timbers,” I mused, “There’s no place like Knot Home.”

Fortunately, my faith in the captain’s skill allowed me to enjoy the company, savor the beauty of the deep blue water, and gleefully watch the occasional dolphin swim alongside the bow.

Sailing was unpredictable and depended on wind conditions, water currents, and changing weather. Clearly, living on a sailboat for three days offered many lessons. I learned about the need to remain steadfast on a deck in constant motion. Most importantly, I recognized the value of setting a course with a proven navigational system.

Those lessons apply on land as well as at sea. With 2011 already upon us, we can set our destination for the upcoming year. Intentions help us focus on our destination. When we insert our intentions into our internal GPS, The Guiding Power of Spirit, we can relax and enjoy a journey with wonderful companions, beautiful scenery, and playful dolphins.

Even in the face of a storm, we need not worry for the Guiding Power of Spirit is ever-present. We merely have to restate our intentions, still our mind, and ask for our inner GPS to show the way.

As we clarify intentions and goals for 2011, we can take into consideration the following areas:

1.    Family and Relationships

2.    Finances and Career

3.    Physical and Emotional Health

4.    Personal and Spiritual Growth

5.    Social and Educational Goals

Once we identify our intentions and destinations, we can always ask for guidance on the journey, especially during stormy weather. There may be times when we rock and roll on the voyage but, if we remain steadfast and follow our GPS, we can sail in a vessel called, Welcome Home!

Ahoy! Leonard

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